Five of us accepted the invitation to visit Draig Goch lovely course on the North Wales coast on Sunday 27th of May. The weather suggested it was going to be a wet day as it had poured down in the early hours and the sky was decidedly dark as we arrived, plus it was raining.
But we don’t let a little thing like rain put us off some quality field archery, so we rocked up at 12 as agreed. As luck would have it, as we got kitted up, the clouds parted and the sun came out, amazing.
We set off in two groups, with a member of Draig Goch leading the way. The guys have done a great job of hiding the back stop bosses with camo sheets and netting, making the course look really natural and making the 3ds much tougher to hit, as many blended into the background superbly.
There are two distinct parts to the course, with the first half being in quite dense woods and the second part being in a section of huge, more open trees.
Needless we have a great time, and all shot pretty well too, I personally finished target 20 on 302 points under the NFAS scoring system, which I was pretty happy with. Unfortunately, the rain that had been threatening in the morning came on with a vengeance by the time we got to the eight target on the second half, so we knocked it on the head for the day.
If you get a chance to visit Draig Goch, you should as you will have a blast.